Frp Solar strjitferljochting Pole

Koarte beskriuwing:

1. Shanghai Tunghsing syn frp lighting pole is ûntwurpen en test basearre op ferskate ynternasjonale standerts. 2. Us frp lighting peallen kinne foldwaan oan de folgjende noarmen: USA: ASTM D4923-01, Klasse 1, Standert Pole & ANSI C136.20.-1990 EU Standert: EN-40 Gulf Standert: GS 265 (Sašo 533) Maleizje: SIRIM audited en sertifisearre 3. Wy fêstige de Taiwan Standert CNS-11652 (Chinese National Standards) foar Lighting Pole. 4. Sûnt 2015 hawwe wy binne invit ...

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1. Shanghai Tunghsing syn frp lighting pole is ûntwurpen en test basearre op ferskate ynternasjonale standerts.
2. Us frp lighting peallen kinne foldwaan oan de folgjende noarmen:
        USA: ASTM D4923-01, Klasse 1, Standert Pole & ANSI C136.20.-1990
        EU Standert: EN-40
        Gulf Standert: GS 265 (Sašo 533)
        Maleizje: SIRIM audited en sertifisearre
3. Wy fêstige de Taiwan Standert CNS-11652 (Chinese National Standards) foar Lighting Pole.
4. Sûnt 2015 hawwe wy útnoege om ûntwerp de Sineeske rydbaan Lighting Pole - Glêstried Pole Section; dit yndustriële standert wurdt publisearre en fersterke troch de ein fan 2018.
5. Design ferifikaasje brûkend "Eindige Eleminten Analysis"
Subject to client’s specific requirement of solar panel, lighting fixture and other accessories, we will design our pole and its foundation to withstand loads on account of equipment installed on the pole for various services.
This shall include: 

Weight of each equipment/item installed on the pole and its own weight
Wind load acting on pole and equipment/item installed on pole
Tension on the pole exerted by Optical Fiber Cables if applicable
We can also offer integrated solar street light to accommodate your specific requirements. Integrated solar street light i.e. All-in-one type is easy to install and maintain.



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